TorqueL went a little unnoticed as a steam release due to the new nature of the steam front page where instead of having a list of latest releases products get…
Tag: lets highlight
Paperbound Steam Release Highlight
Paperbound comes out on steam on march 31st This video shows what has updated since the alpha highlight, with improvements to the graphical interface, the addition of automitons and…
Lets Highlight StandPoint Steam Release Review
Standpoint is a first person puzzle game based upon the five stages of grief, inspired by other titles of a similar nature such as portal, q.u.b.e and the like, standpoint…
Let’s Highlight Life Is Strange Episode One Chrysalis Complete Review
Life is strange is an episodic story driven game split into five episodes each being released six weeks apart so as to allow time for the player to play through…
Time FCUK Lets Play The Basement Collection
Playthrough of Time FCUK including the additional chapter 2 content only availble through the purchase of the basement collection. A fun and interesting puzzle game from before edmund mcmillen became…
Paperbound Alpha Preview
Paperbound is a fun game by where the gameplay is very simplistic in nature but challenging, frantic and fun. Essentially you play as papercraft characters inside the pages of…
Lets Highlight Shutshimi game review
Shutshimi is a frantic action packed shooter game from neon deity games, with an emphasis on the crazy, random and surreal. This is just what you want from a game…
Just Get Through Review and Steam Greenlight Highlight
Just get through is a very fun procedurally generated trap and hazzard avoidance platformer with one very simple aim, to just get through the levels alive. You begin with 10…
Tiny Keep Review: Lets Highlight
Tiny keep is a top down dungeon escape game, where the action is proceedurally generated so no two runs are the same, permadeath adds an extra layer of difficulty because…
Tri of Friendship and Madness Review
Tri is a first person puzzle adventure from rising star games and rat king entertainment. Inspired by games such as portal and q.u.b.e this game throws away shooting enemies and…