Dungeon League is a multiplayer Brawl/Sport game with a single screen of heated action for up to 4 players, currently in steam early access so things could change dramatically over time.
As it stands it is currently local co-op only (although the cooperative nature of the game should be in heavy parenthesis as it is more adversarial with different teams competing against each other for survival, coins and points. Currently there is a very limited number of gamemodes available but some have been noted like a ball sport which could be very interesting, and a quest mode to perform specific tasks, possibly with whichever team completes the objective first taking the win.
As it stands though it is a very promising game, with the usual cast of dungeon crawlers playable from the traditional warrior, mage and archer to engineers and brutes with possibly more to come. The tables are turned however instead of plundering the dungeon for loot and killing all creatures to take down the boss of the dungeon instead the dungeonkeeper itself seems to be in charge with the beasts controlling everything, sure there are the usual minions which spawn in hell bent on killing you, but that’s all part of the game taking down the heroes foolhardy enough to participate in the game to their inevitable demise. There is a good degree of humour in the interactions that play out in options and with the new training mode, and I expect these to carry across for any quest modes possibly focusing heavily on jokes against the heroes.
As for the gameplay itself everything feels smooth and correct, the monsters themselves feel paced well enough without being too hard or too easy, of course when you’re in free play mode by yourself it is easier to be swamped than if you had 4 players to take down the beasts. Don’t forget this is early access so if you have any suggestions you can let the developers know your idea’s and they can be sure to add them should they fit in well with the game and the direction the developers wish to take. My current suggestion may be that perhaps free play mode introduces boss monsters perhaps every 100 kills or allows for gradual randomized leveling up. And one or two suggestions that go without saying would be the ability to quit once inside the mode and to have some options for changing things like sound levels and full screen, but these are bound to be in development as we speak.
I would definitely recommend a purchase if you enjoy this style of game, and I would presume online multiplayer would become an option later but no guarantee’s as yet, if this changes I shall let you know, and in the meantime I hope to be able to get some people together for local co-op gameplay video’s to show off the game some more.
Check out Dungeon League for yourself on steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/362310