When working at the nec having a message saying to be in for work the next morning at 7pm is one thing but when its a shift down in another town, in this case ascot being informed of it with a matter of hours before the end of the day before you are due to work there is a completely different matter, how am I meant to pack a tent, buy food to survive 4 days in a tent etc when I am informed after the shops have closed, and worse still I was not informed of an exact time to be there and where at ascot to meet, I tried phoneing the office first thing in the morning but was unable to get a response and have also emailed them which I doubt they would be able to check if they are off at ascot racecourse anyway.
So it looks like I wont be doing this shift and if they think Im the one at fualt they are mistaken had I been informed properly and given enough notice I would have been there on time, and if I knew a place to meet them I could still go for the remaining three days but I get no response so will be unable to work that shift… oh well.