The saga continues with birmingham city council in an issue which should have been resolved a long time ago, please excuse the fun thumbnail parodying star wars, I needed a little something to make me smile and take away from the stress of the whole situation.
With established trails showing that birmingham city council have admitted that they should have paid due housing benefits without requiring extra proof (which was sent and they lost on a number of occasions) where they state I was “just in time” to get those payments made, yet they still did not make a single payment until over 5 months later a whole 2 months after my home was repossessed for non payment of rent, which was being paid wholly by housing benefits. During this timeframe 3 fresh housing benefit applications were made, which the council state were never required, yet were ignored during that timeframe, and they ignored all factors, correspondence and attempts to get due housing benefits into payment, which they state and admit should have been paid without any of the undue effort that was made, yet do not make amends for not paying in any timely manner.
Ever since I have been attempting to resolve this issue not only attempting to be rehomed, where they have established hoop after hoop, such as not accepting email applications, not accepting applications from on a temporary residence I could not stay at for longer than a week, losing so many applications and proofs it is laughable that this is a government institution, denying applications and proofs sent via recorded delivery ever existed and then summarily ignoring their own criteria for what defines a local connection to birmingham.
This is summarizing what has been a highly stressful and soul destroying process which is driving me completely insane. Obviously if you watch all the old video’s and read all of the prior articles you will see proofs and natures which I have previously established in further detail than here.
So onto the criteria for what defines having a local connection to birmingham, to have a local connection to birmingham you must meet one of the five criteria, the first two being having lived in birmingham the last 3 out of 5 years, and having lived in birmingham for 6 out of the past 12 months. During both of these criteria I had placed application after application which were either lost or required me to be in “other circumstances” than the homelessness they created, even when I began staying on my moms sofa in the countryside I had spent the last 13 months living in birmingham in an overpriced illegal unregistered house of multiple occupancy that was rat infested until I ran out of money due to desperation to return to birmingham while attempting to resolve the situation. From then they lost housing application after housing application along with proofs and identity documents which were sent upon request; so much so that I began sending via recorded delivery which still vanished without a trace and explanation despite proof of delivery. Of course upon housing application 5 being taken in by hand (and then requested the nature of over the next 3 months before they began to process it) they finally began to process things, which in a very shady nature matched exactly the month where my criteria for 3 out of the past 5 years expired to the month. This is a very dodgy and shady coincidence.
Other criteria such as local blood connections get ignored by birmingham, and even when bharat chauhan finally admits I have this blood relative this doesn’t count as a “local connection” and I still have 90% less priority and no effort to make my life return to a nature it should be.
The fourth point for local connections is work and study within birmingham, I have studied at university in birmingham city center, and the majority of my work history is in birmingham, even the temp agency I work festival jobs at had work opportunities in birmingham I could not perform due to this entire situation, and I have not been able to look for full time employment attempting to resolve this entire situation with my entire time being unable to do anything until I am returned to birmingham.
The fifth and final criteria is special circumstances, noting I only require one element to be a local connection and how they have behaved over factors that should count, the final and specialist of circumstances is that I should have still been homed in birmingham, I lived my entire adult life in birmingham, until they put me in this situation I have lived in birmingham since 2004 they admit my housing benefits should have been paid in a timely manner, I had my flat and home in erdington birmingham and would still be living there had they paid due housing benefits as my home being reposessed was entirely stated as and due to non payment of rent, which was a direct result of their illegal and unreasonable witholding of housing benefits for over 9 months despite constant and persistent attempts to get due housing benefits into payment, where the council themselves have even admitted every effort was made by myself and family housing association to get these due benefits paid during that entire time process. So as a direct result this has caused this entire situation and had they paid these benefits I would still be homed in birmingham in my flat where I was happy and probably had found full time employment in this time frame and not been driven completely insane by this entire process.
So as they continue to do things against their own rules and immorally I have to wait for the lgo(biwan kenobi) you’re my only hope to put things right and get justice, because the council and in particular scumbag sith lord bharat chauhan have established that they clearly will not do the right and legal thing to put things right or listen to their own criteria.