The video attached was recorded before spontaneous protests which have since happened, including the one where charlotte church attended, all of which shows we will take it #NoLonger
“Institutional Oppression occurs when established laws, customs, and practices systematically reflect and produce inequities based on one’s membership in targeted social identity groups. If oppressive consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs, or Practices, the institution is oppressive whether or not the individuals maintaining those practices have oppressive intentions.”[wikipedia]
With the conservatives getting a majority in the 2015 general election, and thier main policies being to oppress the socially unfortunate who are unable to find work despite trying, with only 1.1% of unemployed people having never had work when you discount students. The majority of the unemployed market would like to find work but are unable to for a variety of reasons, ranging from toxic zero hour contracts where you can have just about enough hours to pay your bills one week, but the next three weeks get absolutely no hours whatsoever. This is not only unsustainable but completely against the ability to find a sustainable job.
The unemployed are demonised and treated like strains on society when the majority are good natured people who would like to find work and employment in thier hometown, often being happy to take less hours as long as they would pay the bills and provide the ability to live, in amongst a time where mp’s are able to not only earn thier base salary of £67,060 (which might as well be 666 is many instances) they are also requesting pay rises and are also able to claim ridiculous expenses, often resulting in completely immoral tactics of taking advantage of the expense system, yet they are still able to hold office and run in the position even when ousted as being completely soulless immoral scum of society, yet that is a tag they would place on those who are unfortunate and wish to work, stating instead we are the drains on society where £72pw is such a drain on the tax system compared to thier ridiculousely high incomes of £1289,62pw+expenses. Not only are they earning such levels but most of them do not even perform thier mp expected position and instead work additional jobs, and represent the issues of big companies which pay them off or are associated with thier own business interests rather than the political interests of the people they are supposed to represent.
Then you get people who go “why don’t you just get a job” as if applying to 40+ jobs per week which you have to prove at the job center just to claim jobseekers isn’t enough, as though you aren’t putting any effort into looking for work, and they state that you shouldn’t be entitled to a home or any form of life if you’re unable to find work but would like work, meanwhile they’re happy to hoard all of the hours of a job, where people could reduce the working week to 35 hours and provide work for millions of people accross the country by the 13 extra hours per week which gets freed up for new jobs which increases employment and reduces the spending on benefits as a result, which creates more free time for people which in turn leads to further spending on leisure activities by people, a happier better rested workforce, boosted spending leads to further jobs required to cope with the increased spending in the area’s so boosts the 13 hours extra to a good 20+ sustainable job, all of which leads to increased net tax income for the government to spend elsewhere, but they’re just too dumb to see that and instead focus on demonising and killing people throwing them out onto the streets.
And what about human rights? well mr cameron hitler decided people don’t deserve human rights, and instead chooses to write his own bill of rights which will undoubtedly remove any rights for those who want to work but cannot find work, remove all rights to the underprivelleged, all the time while never doing anything to increase taxes on the rich, which as noted previousely has not changed for a very very long time, so the poverty gap widens.
Focusing on demonising one section of the socio economic group, is a social sector, so we are an oppressed people, and people suffering from oppression only put up with it so long, peaceful protests are planned, including on the 20th of june at 12 noon in front of the bank of england, however if peaceful protests won’t be listened to people will rise up in revolt. We have had enough and will not stand for any more oppression, do you want us to take jobs and homes by force, we want them so don’t put us down when we put all of our effort into trying to get work and sustainable income, if you want chaos and force and us to do WHATEVER it takes to get work and sustainable incomes, don’t tread on us and put us down, the downtrodden will fight back, you create your own enemy, we have a voice and we will be heard.