My easter weekend away

Okay so this isnt the greatest blog post in the world but hey felt like I should write something, didnt really do a lot, one day I spent in the attic sorting through boxes and tidying the place so it was actually not just a huge mess up there and you could get to everything and the lot wouldnt collapse on itself, then there was another day spent deciding what stuff I needed to take to birmingham with me, and in the bath relaxing of course :-P, day 3 of the weekend was sunday and went to the boot sale, picked up quite a few bargains, a grilling machine 50p a donut maker 50p, a heater (which didnt work) 10p a poker set 10p and a few other things. Anyway after the boot sale went back and everyone was going to play poker, the entire family claims to be poker experts, and this was a texas holdem set so we were playing that, my sister did well in london playing it but was whining because she was losing at this so we went to playing 5 card stud and blackjack.  Okay now apparently a new hand which beats 2 pair is a silly hand where you have one pair and a mini straight “as your other hand” of course this doesnt appear on the legal list of poker hands but who was I to complain miles ahead of everyone else, my sister had to rebuy her stack 4 times, steve rebought 2ce and my mum once, and then everyone was wondering why we ended up playing for hours it was supposed to be a quick game and once you were out you were out but everyone was winging and insisting they rebought, by the end of the day half of the rules were changed but I wasnt in the mood for complaining.  And then even though I had a large stack ahead it was insisted the last hand would be everyones chips all in one hand wins, but I still won anyway so it didnt matter.  One thing you learn never play poker with family they will all complain and whinge when they arent winning and accusations of cheating flying around and people who brag they were experts at poker when losing blame the type of game.

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