Okay so its been known for a very long time that cigarettes are full of crap and added shite which fucks up your body… yet they have also been releasing the nicorette inhalers etc, which are basically a clean way of getting a nicotine fix, the drug from the cigarettes, so why dont they just ban cigarettes and sell nicotine as a highly taxed product? People can still get thier fix, and the government can still get thier taxes.. If its not strong enough then why not just pump up the concentration to give people a bigger hit, and sell it as a recreational drug. The only reason that alchohol and nicotine are legal is because the government want the taxes, and its a form of control, if they have a drug or two which are legal it reduces the number of people who will go elsewhere for other drugs to escape thier hundrum lives.
Heck then know very well if they wanted to they could simply adapt cigarettes to not include tar and all the damaging ingredients in order to make a cleaner safer recreational drug, but instead they think simply putting images on a package which people will ignore will do enough to stop people, they wont care, its like football because its the social thing to do the majority of the public get involved, and its all spread during high school people go from there, they see other popular people doing it, they see thier tv idols smoking and its ingrained into the public image, the only true way to stop it would be to ban it, or to make it safe. Of course they know that if they made it safe many many more people would do it, and abuse it.
Heck its well known that nicotine and alchohol are some of the most damaging drugs, but the government only cares of the tax it gets from the sales of these items and the control it has over the public, and they wonder why theres major mental health issues throughout the nation, because we are a nation of drugged up people, all of your life is based on the consumption of drugs, if you have a sniffle you “must” buy the latest lemon based drug to stop your cold even though your body is more than capable of stopping it, thus training it to rely on drugs and not your natural healing ability, there are day and night capsules to control your body to put you to sleep and wake you up, so that you dont have to rely on your body and let it recover and rest as it tells you to, in order to allow you to work 70 hour weeks you must work in order to pay for things in this world.
With the ammount of drugs we all pump into our systems daily, caffine, nicotine, additives, heck if youve ever drank a can of red bull some of the percentages of your daily intake of certain substances are in the 1000% range. Add to that the pollution in the air, (some parts of the uk the pollution is bad enough that its equal to smoking 4 cigarettes per day just breathing the air) Your microwaved food, both from your own home and the inevitable microwaved food that is passed as cooked in major restaurant/pub chains in order to meet the demands of food that is delivered fast. Has anyone ever considered how much radiation we take in through this in our lifetime, how do you even know when your microwave is leaking, surely there should be some sort of safety feature like something on the outside that glows if there is a leak during its lifetime, because most people will have microwaves far longer than they are expected to have them, when they start to take longer to cook things, is this a natural decay of the atomic element or has the microwave sprung a leak? after all its a radioactive element sat in your kitchen.
On top of that most of these have symptoms that are easily hidden, and a world which only cares for itself rather than other people so they fail to notice when someone is suffering, parents blind to see symptoms so they pretend not to notice, or are just plain oblivious to symptoms, these things are genetic they get passed on, and as we progress more and more of the uk will suffer from mental health problems as we pass these down onto our kids and thier kids, until eventually the whole world suffers, and are then force fed drugs to control them until we have a state much like in the film equilibrium where you have daily drugs you must take in order to control you so you dont feel emotions and you are a drone to work as society expects you to with no life. I wouldn’t be at all suprised if it isnt long before we are given drugs we must all take in order to combat the nations growing mental health problems, which undoubtedly will lead to further problems.
The worst of it all is the over the counter medication you can get without symptoms though, hypocondriacs, and the world which are told by tv you must take drugs the instant you have a sneeze, defeating your natural immune systems allowing super bugs to thrive and get use to medications. We all need to stop useing and abusing and only be able to take such drugs under a prescription after careful deliberation and the knowledge that the body cannot cope without the drugs, maybe then we might have less symptoms in the world.