The world appears to believe that as humans we have lost the ability to evolve, however that is strictly not true, if you look at human life you will notice…
Try me free promotions
In the past I have taken up try me free promotions, where it doesnt state you must be dissatisfied in order to recieve your money back, just to try the…
Spirituality and the way they use human traits to thier advantage
I am currently watching louis therouxs weird weekends, sorry I cant spell his surname. anyway I notice that a lot of the “spiritual” methods they use can be explained through…
Im not one to write a diary
But I need to get my feelings out. I just found out that the psycho is getting married, silly thing is we broke up partly because I felt she didnt…
Being human
It appears these days that being human is more about being secure and safe and not changing. Every day the same old crap is repeated on tv, repeats of family…
The circle of the credit crunch and a few random thoughts
Okay so its been a while since I wrote something, a few things I was going to write about have passed like the discovery that there is a black hole…
nicotine and cigarettes
Okay so its been known for a very long time that cigarettes are full of crap and added shite which fucks up your body… yet they have also been releasing…
The home of the prisoner
Okay so the tv series the prisoner was repeated on tv recently, and as a result there was a coach trip to visit port meirion the home of the prisoner…
hugh fearnley whittingstall double dips
Was watching river cottage earlier today… and he was busy making a lamb curry… no big deal, he decides to taste the curry, puts his spoon in eats from it,…
what is wrong with american tv
Well written well thought out and well made tv shows like threshold, invasion, fireflies (which had the film serenity made due to its popularity) get axed either mid season or…