Teslagrad is a 2D puzzle platformer where the story unfolds through slideshows you find throughout the game as you solve the puzzles and traverse the pitfalls of the game.
You begin by simply outrunning enemies over some platforms before you soon gain the ability to influence magnetizable surfaces to solve puzzles with red and blue arua’s which like magnets are repelled by themselves and attracted to their opposite and essentially all of the puzzles of the game revolve around this, with some enemies which have the ability to influence surfaces, some which are designed to chase you down and injure you, as well as the plethora of pits, electric traps and spikes for you to navigate and avoid.
In traditional puzzle style there will be progress gates which require you to have additional powers which you gain later, such as a rush shift ability you can use to pass through small walls and over pits, as well as a cloak ability which allows you to become red or blue charged as you require in order to navigate further through the game.
The design is clever laid out in a tower which as you climb and gain more abilities opens up previous area’s you may have already solved for further exploration to find hidden secrets and area’s you may have previously been unable to reach.
There are bosses in the game each with their own unique mechanics which once solved become a simple matter of keeping to the routine, but until then can be quite difficult to figure out.
The artwork is very cute and colourful in it’s 2D style and the puzzles do vary up reasonably fast so it doesn’t feel like you’re doing the same puzzles over and over and is a fun experience for any puzzle gamer.
Get teslagrad on steam now http://store.steampowered.com/app/249590