Lets Highlight Battle Princess Madelyn Retro Styled Action Platformer

Battle princess Madelyn is a retro inspired action platformer inspired by one of the developers daughters as well as being written by a professional childrens author.  The game itself comes…

Metamorphosis Play at The Old Rep Theatre Birmingham Opinions and Review

Metamorphosis is a play based upon the franz kafka novella of the same name and is a story of transformation both of gregor from travelling salesman to insectoid creature, but…

Lets Highlight Deadbeat Heroes Superhero Action Fighting Game

Deadbeat heroes is a frantic action game from some of the developers behind the marvellous miss take, except rather than stealth and puzzle solving to complete the levels this game…

Fireball Tour Birmingham Academy Gig Review

I had the opportunity over the xmas period to go to the fireball fuelling the fire tour at the o2 academy Birmingham having received a promotional ticket, this wasn’t the…

Lets Highlight D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die Episodic Time Travelling Mystery Adventure Gone Wrong

Dark Dream’s Don’t Die is an episodic detective adventure game where you play as david, an investigator with the ability to dive literally into the case and relive the experience…

Trying Oreo Doughnut and Lemon Lime & Cucumber Sprite Tasting Treats

Tasting and giving my opinion on an oreo coated doughnut as well as a lemon lime and cucumber sprite that I got at bargain prices I decided to start up…

Lets Highlight Blackhole An Awesome Quirky Pyhsics Based Puzzle Platformer

Blackhole is a 2d physics based puzzle platformer with a compelling narrative storyline behind it, the game see’s you “crash” into a blackhole abandoning you the coffee boy with the…

Fuleadture Headphones Unboxing and Review

I have been using these fuleadture headphones and while the sound quality is good, the noise isolation aspect seems to mostly just come out of the fact that it blocks…

Lets Highlight Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth Review A PC Zelda Inspired Adventure

Warden Melody of the undergrowth is an adventure game very much in the style of old zelda games but released on the pc so you don’t need to own a…

Vodafone Smart 6 Review A Simple Cheap Phone Not Suitable For Apps

The main phone that I use is getting fairly old and I’m overdue upgrading to a phone that could run apps and I decided to try out the Vodafone smart…