Summer Festival Workers Roundup 2014

Having worked at a number of uk festivals this year I decided to give a roundup of my experiences both as a bar worker and also of the festivals themselves…

The Marvelous Miss Take Review and gameplay footage

The marvelous miss take comes out on the 20th, it is an entirely mouse driven heist game over 25 levels and 5 chapters. With all of the gameplay options essentially…

Steam Curators

Steam have introduced a new curator system for reviews, where you can post a short synopsys and link this off elsewhere to reviews you have posted such as youtube, or…

ynot festival roundup and review

I found myself working at the ynot festival this year due to an unusual set of circumstances of flair having lost all of thier festival contracts, and creative (who I…

Playing and winning the lottery for free

Updates: After playing both sites I can say safely that the site where you perform searches works best for me, there is no need to buy anything or do anything…

Explicit rant about the UK government and benefits

In this episode I have a major rant about the state of the uk government and how they are screwwing over people on benefits and in particular how they have…

PC and Xbox Games, Next Gen Xbox 720 and Portal 2 post play Review

In this episode I talk about a lot of things I have been meaning to talk about for a while including the post play review of portal 2 and my…

4 weeks in a tent

working at various festivals basically spent 4 weeks in a tent, with about 1 day off after each one which was pretty much spent recovering lost sleep and buyins food…

Max Headroom becomes a grumpy old man

Have you seen the new digital adverts, they’ve aged him well, and he does sound like a grumpy old man I wouldn’t be surprised if they put him in an…

Getting paid to ride a Segway

Has anyone seen the new tv series of flash gordon? The character rankol so is riding a segway underneath his costume. clever idea, give him a really long coat to…