In the recent 2011 uk census there was a blank question for number 17 and a lot of people wonder why, well there are two types of people actually those who wonder and those who just accept it and move on, I’m one of the previous who thinks whats the point in that, well apparently its to do with a special question for the welsh which seems rather pointless why did they not give us the special question or just put that one on the end and leave it off the uk version. Its like when in high school you get the “this page was left intentionally blank” and you wonder why and sometimes even deliberatly draw something or write “why” or something like that just to see what happens so I figure maybe you should use this question to take the opportunity to ask the government a question yourself, anything you like go ahead show them how stupid they’ve been.
Whats the worst that could happen? Heck if you really want to rub it in write something like “what am I not welsh enough for you” someone might have a laugh at that at the census depo.