Okay so when eviction day came I didnt wait around til the exact hour for them to evict me forcably, instead I trashed the place a little after packing what I could, had very little energy after that though but still did a bit and then snapped the key off in the door (am I vindictive or bitter?)
Anyway now Im stuck on a sofa in the living room of an ex who I really didnt get on with as she was the only one who could put me up at such short notice and it really sucks, I keep getting threatened by her ex of being thrown out and being woken up by her pet or kid at silly hours in the morning and last night she blackmailed me saying she wanted sex or she’d throw me out and I didnt so thats not going to be fun to go back to, she stayed up til 4am so I got very very little sleep last night and Im just really pissed off, not even able to write half of the stuff ID really like to right now and theres been a tonne of stuff I would have liked to do video reviews for also but thats not possible as she has no internet so I cant do any of that as I can’t transfer the files to upload to the net from pc libraries due to the file sizes of videos…
So where does that leave me now and where do I go from here, its next to impossible to get a home I just have to hope that the country will implode into civil war or insite it or go to jail really, I cant stay here its horrible and I hate it.
I just wish I still had steph, everything would be great with her in my life.