Human fall flat is currently in alpha but is already a very playable and fun game, if you are familiar with gang beasts the character movement is very similar to that game however rather than being a multiplayer combat based experience this game focuses around the puzzles that occur in the life of a human.
Your human much like in real life can be painted and dressed in any way your imagination see’s fit, of course in the alpha he is naturally drawn to the cap bearing lifestyle, and this may remain the fact throughout the full release of course but you can still paint said cap in any fashion you see fit, and perhaps even disguise it as a flattened egon spengler do?
Humans start out in this world struggling to stand up and walk, and this may be the case in the game as your human tends to be a little unsteady on his feet, perhaps the result of heavy drinking, but this adds to the challenge of keeping your human straight without falling off the ledge as you look around, this of course is essential as orienting your human revolves around the control gained from looking around, and each arm can be moved easily using said feature to grab items and move them to solve puzzles (or perhaps even trash a certain room within the game)
In the alpha the game begins with humorous tutorialisation video’s hidden throughout the levels with remote controls and witty comments as you solve puzzles such as pushing a button to open a door, the game does get a little more complicated as the puzzles step up from box to pad to open door puzzles into complex find a way to get that part of the scenery loose to swing across this chasm in order to progress further into the game. I would presume the final release would continue the witty humour later into the game and provide more objects to interact with, it has been stated that there will definitely be at least one further area to play around in.
The levels themselves begin rather linear however there are hidden secrets even in the early levels before things really open up to allow multiple paths and solutions to the puzzles and that’s where the replayability comes in, as there is plenty around to mess about with and find hidden secrets you never knew existed as you explore further and play around with objects you didn’t think would do anything.
The game was quickly greenlit and will be coming to steam soon but if you can’t wait you can purchase the alpha directly from the developers on their website. When the game is fully released I will do an update and show what is new to the game and a proper review video.
If you enjoyed the look of the game go buy a copy for yourself and do remember there will more features and at least one extra level in the full steam release!
Go vote on the steam greenlight page this game’s great human fall flat greenlight.
Find out more about human fall flat at