Taking part in the pay it forward campaign where 5 gifts will be sent to those who want in to recieve a gift that I think will make them smile in some way at a random point in the year. I’m surprised how little uptake there has been considering I posted this on facebook, and really all people would have to do would be to send gifts to 5 of thier friends essentially, only me who decided to make a video with a reach broader on youtube, but still.
Anyway if you want to take part just put I’m in on the youtube comments page, I was thinking about just sending some gifts to friends regardless without the neeed for them to take part due to poor uptake, and had some idea’s in mind for different people like something bunny related for sarah, and a few different things for other people that I know they would like, and I wouldn’t hold them to giving gifts to thier friends, just if a random person I don’t know joined in I would have to see they took part.
So anyone who see’s this you’ve got to be old enough and able to give your address etc, just to avoid laws and complications.