Starting 2015 with a rant about looks and confidence and how I’m not currently happy with how I’m looking and feeling due to inactivity stuck in the middle of the countryside, and how one of my minor resolutions is to get back into shape while still fighting to get back to birmingham.
Additional rants about mens clothing in general, and how there are many women who call themselves unattractive but are actually pretty, and how public idea’s of what is portrayed as attractive is often quite the opposite to me, and how really people should be more confident and go for what they want and at least ask, the worst they can do is be rejected, but the potential of not being rejected would surely be worth the risk, because often its the good and kind people who are most mistreated and those with issues who aren’t making themselves available to everyone who tend to miss out, when often they’re nicer and better people who deserve some happiness and a relationship.