Rive is the latest game from Two tribes games usually known for puzzle oriented games, and more recently an open world sequel to toki tori in which they spent several years perfecting the code and game in order to provide an open world exploration puzzle experience where you don’t gain new powers but gain knowledge throughout your exploration on how you can interact with the world and cause things to happen around you. It was a very good and well designed game which unfortunately wasn’t recieved as well as it deserved to, partially due to a steam sale release date and getting lost amongst that, but also partially because of confused loyalty offers via a prior humble sale.
This aside the code behind toki tori 2 has been adapted, so it keeps all of the visual aspects such as multi layered elements and great exploration, but instead of being puzzle based this is a platform shooter action game, promising to be very open world but with obvious progress gates with elements you can only gain from exploration and defeating bosses for new upgrades.
Also being built on the toki tori 2 engine means that there will be the inclusion of the level editor in a very simple graphical format allowing the basic user to create thier own levels, or even full seperate adventures, and with the steam community sharing system these additional levels will also be online available for anyone to download to expand thier playtime potentially infinately beyond the main game.
No word on a price point or length of the game at present, but with such expansion possibility and such a smooth and playable game at such an early stage I believe two tribes are on to another winner with this one, hopefully it will be planned for a better release date which won’t get lost in the draft of sales and usual seasonal steam related hijinks, and get the audience it deserves.
You will have to excuse the lack of sound on the video, problems with my recording software, and also footage freezes and unsmooth frames, these aren’t issues when playing, and you can also turn down settings to lock to 30fps and create a more smooth experience, and also a good base for lower powered machines to still be able to play and enjoy the game.
I will hopefully bring you a better video closer to release when more content is available and a full review can be made on the final copy of the game, but definately looking forward to seeing progress.